AVS – Algemene Vereniging Schoolleiders

Contact: Karin Straus
Email: k.straus@avs.nl
Website: www.avs.nl


Leaders for leadership, that is our mission. We support this with our vision: learning leadership in every learning community. Our mission and vision are translated in $D- leadership: Duidelijk (clear), Dichtbij (near), Delend (sharing) and Dynamisch (dynamic). Today’s leaders develop a vision and ambitions, they inspire others. The AVS supports leaders in this in the broadest sense of the word, from the classroom to the minister’s lobby. From advocacy to professionalization. And more. For around 4000 school leaders in primary and secondary education.

Activities of the AVS target leadership development and reflect its fundamental right to exist. AVS and school leaders support the promotion and safeguarding of the quality of primary education.AVS legitimizes itself in the promoting of the interests of school leaders by uniting and representing the relevant schools, leaders and the education as a whole. Together we bear moral and social responsibility for the quality of education.

The AVS will realize this mission now and in the future by providing services to members, with both activities that strengthen the individual position of leaders including development of personal leadership and sets out activities that support the schools management in its performance.