Learn more about our currently running activities
ESHA participates in several research projects co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. These projects aim to support school leaders in the areas of digitization, diversity & inclusion, arts education, science education and parent engagement.
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Bio-Streams is a Horizon Europe Research and Innovation project, designed to address the growing epidemic of underage obesity in the European Union.
CREAtive writing labs to foster STEAM learning, based on the open schooling concept using co-design, creativity and critical thinking methodologies.
The overarching objective of CURIOSOIL is understanding how to trigger Soil Curiosity and create connections between people and soil.
Dive-in Dialogue involves European disadvantaged students in Dialogic Gatherings, improving their key competences and fostering their inclusion in school and in society.
Teacher & school leaders training to promote digital literacy and combat the spread of disinformation among vulnerable groups of adolescents.
EduAID: Transforming Education with AI Micro-credentials for Educators, Teachers and School Heads.
The Educational Leadership Network Europe brings together a broad range of educational stakeholders to enhance collaborative leadership in education.
Leadership for Diversity promotes leadership within schools to effectively contribute to the management of diversity.
Road-STEAMer: Developing a STEAM roadmap for science education in Horizon Europe and in educational policy across the continent.
SuperCyberKids provides an educational ecosystem of cybersecurity learning content for children ages 8 to 13 and their teachers.
SYNAPSES presents a vision on how pre-service and in-service programs on teaching for Sustainability Citizenship could be interrelated and enriched to develop a joint offer with significant European dimension.
Breaking the Silence Together is a program to prevent, detect and respond to child sexual abuse in primary schools.
Children Hybrid Integration: Learning Dialogue as a way of Upgrading policies of Participation for migrant children.
Towards an inclusive, quality education: Challenges and Opportunities of School Leadership.
DigiLEAD: Supporting School leaders to build a digital transformation strategy.
E-COURSE: Enhancing the Participation and learning Performance of Migrant and Refugee Children in Primary School Education.
The European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders promotes cooperation, policy development and implementation.
The target of the ELSplus project is to support innovation in practices and policies across educational and youth sectors.
Joint Statement on Citizenship Education & EU Common Values by the EU CONVINCE project partners.
The objectives of Gender Equality Matters are to raise awareness, change attitudes and promote behaviour changes in relation to gender-based violence in and around schools.
Inclusive Schools II (InScool) project increases the knowledge and skills of school leaders, teachers and student teachers to work inclusively with the increasing range of diverse learners in their schools.
Intercultural Learning provides tools to promote intercultural learning to prepare pupils for living in diverse societies and working in a global labour market.
microVET: Introducing Micro-credentials to the digital era of Vocational Education & Training (VET) and improving the quality and attractiveness of VET.
#Mult!nclude: inclusion for preventing early school leaving and ensuring completion of the highest possible level of Education.
NEMESIS developed a new educational approach that strengthens the capacity, skills and entrepreneurial mindsets of children from all backgrounds.
This Open Schools for Open Societies project aims to help a thousand European primary and secondary schools with opening up to its community.
Partnerships For Pathways To Higher Education And Science Engagement In Regional Clusters Of Open Schooling.
Reflecting 4 Change: Promoting the use of self-reflection tools to support innovation and systemic change in schools.
SAILS: Safe and Autonomous Internet-based Learning Strategies for students, teachers, school leaders and families.
School Leadership Coaching and Mentoring. Focus Professionalisation of new school leaders by experienced and recently retired school leaders.
Technological Update In School Management Teams fosters the digital transformation of our schools, both in the school management procedures and in the teaching/learning methodologies.
SP@CE: Skills for school Professionals Against Cyberbullying Events. Training schoolteachers to help them to acquire competences to deal with cyberbullying.
The Systemic Upscaling of Peace Education Practices (UPPER) project contributes to bringing peace, intercultural dialogue and civic participation to the core of education policy and school.