School Leadership Coaching and Mentoring

School Leadership Coaching and Mentoring logo

October 2017 – October 2019

Focus Professionalisation of new school leaders by experienced and recently retired school leaders.

The aim of the School Leadership Coaching and Mentoring project is to develop an induction programme for newly appointed school leaders, which exploits the proven expertise and capacity of experienced and recently retired school leaders. This will be achieved by the following steps. First, the priority needs of new school leaders across the partnership is audited. In addition, a coaching and mentoring programme for new school leaders and a set of pilot training modules is developed. After the programme is developed, it is tested with 150 school leaders in order to improve and finalise the resources. Finally, the School Leadership Coaching and Mentoring programme is published on an online platform. The platform contains downloadable blended learning training modules, a virtual community and a network building tool.


  • a report on the needs of new school leaders
  • an integrated platform with linked social media providing information about the project, promotional materials, and downloadable resources
  • an EU level coaching and mentoring programme for new school leaders
  • a set of training materials, which will be applicable to all countries
  • a series of case studies, which reflect the different contextual and cultural backgrounds of the countries of the consortium
  • a policy recommendation paper resulting from the project trials and outcomes
  • a set of dissemination materials and seminars in 5 countries
  • a final international conference to promote the training resources


  • National Association of Headteachers (NAHT)

  • National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD)
  • Associazione Nazionale Dirigenti e Alte Professionalita della Scuola (ANP)
  • Drustvo Ravnatelj (DR)
  • Vereniging Leidinggevenden Vlaams Onderwijs (VLVO)
  • European School Heads Association (ESHA)

ESHA’s role

  • Carrying out responsibilities from the dissemination plan
  • Expanding the network
  • Organising and running a workshop in the Netherlands to promote the resources and highlight the opportunities for the key target groups
  • Promoting and contributing to the final conference

If you have any further questions or need more information, please contact ESHA