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Awakening Soil Curiosity to catalyse Soil Literacy

The overarching objective of CURIOSOIL is understanding how to trigger Soil Curiosity and create connections between people and soil.

Awakening curiosity

CURIOSOIL aims to gain insight into the methods of sparking soil curiosity and fostering connections between people and soil. Drawing on the EJP Soil results for Higher Education and the LOESS assessment, the project specifically seeks to establish a baseline understanding of the state of soil related education and training across different educational levels in the EU and Associated Countries.

Providing understanding

The project will delve into the state of soil-related education and training, assessing levels of soil awareness among citizens. It aims to utilize this information to co-design soil awareness materials that align with societal needs, values, and expectations, as well as the objectives of the Soil Mission. The intention is to ensure the longevity of CURIOSOIL's impact.

Applying knowledge

CURIOSOIL will actively contribute educational materials to national and European repositories such as the one-stop shop of PREPSOIL EU Academy or the School Education Gateway. This contribution includes the development of high-quality curricula and educational materials in various languages and for different age groups. Collaboration with educators, teachers, school heads, education networks (like the Education for Climate Coalition), and education authorities is integral to this process.

Ensuring longevity

To ensure the sustained impact of CURIOSOIL, the project will work towards improving the European Sustainability Competence Framework (GreenComp). Additionally, it plans to implement a program of art-science-society events and exhibitions. These events will be strategically designed to enhance soil curiosity and literacy across diverse geographical and cultural contexts in Europe.

Project website:


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Join the CURIOSOIL Working Group on Soil & Education Policies

If you are passionate about soil science and education, join this online event on Soil & Education Policies.

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CURIOSOIL, a new large-scale initiative - your help is needed

A brand-new pan-European initiative has been launched at the cross-roads of education and soil. The ultimate aim is to embed soil health in all education levels throughout Europe. ESHA is also involved in the project CURIOSOIL, managed by Portugal’s University of Aveiro.