The biennial ESHA conferences are an excellent opportunity for learning, sharing experiences, collegial support, mutual networking and building new professional networks, collaborations, partnerships and friendships. Every two years you can take part and register for 3 amazing days with school leaders from throughout Europe. The next opportunities will be in 2025, 2027, 2029 and so on. Keep an eye on our newsletter and website!
Join the ESHA conference in Rome
29-31 October 2025
The biennial ESHA conference is designed specifically for school leaders and those involved in educational management. The target audience includes principals, headteachers, administrators, and education policymakers who are looking to enhance their leadership skills, stay updated with the latest educational research, and network with peers from different countries. The conference's diverse and international participant base provides a rich environment for cross-cultural learning and collaboration.
Professional development: The biennial ESHA conference offers you a wealth of knowledge through keynote speeches, workshops, and interactive sessions led by renowned experts in education.
Networking opportunities: Connect with peers from across Europe, share experiences, and build professional relationships that can support your work long after the conference ends.
Innovative insights: The conference focuses on the latest innovations and trends in education. It will help you as a school leader to stay ahead of the curve and implement cutting-edge practices in your school.
Cultural exchange and site visits: The conference includes cultural activities and school visits that allow you to gain insights into different educational systems and practices.
Previous conferences have been held in Edinburgh, Scotland (2012), Dubrovnik, Croatia (2014 & 2023), Maastricht, Netherlands (2016), Tallinn, Estonia (2018) and Limassol, Cyprus (2022).
The perfect venue, over six hundred delegates, multiple leadership organisations from over twenty-nine countries, fantastic keynotes and inspiring workshops all blended perfectly by a professional management team under a master chef.
After several delays due to Covid, the biennial conference was finally held in Limassol, Cyprus. For up to 450 people that were present it was a pleasure and a relief that we could meet, learn, network and celebrate together being physically present again.
Estonian School Heads Association is honoured to host the ESHA Biennial Conference in Tallinn, Estonia on October 17-19, 2018. We welcome you to share ideas, best practices, inspiration and contribute to discussions about innovation in education.
More than 600 school leaders from across Europe gathered in Maastricht, the Netherlands, for ESHA's biennial conference from 19 to 21 October 2016. Keynote speakers were Michal Fullan, Mark van Vught, Daan Roosegaarde and Zaghary Walker.