Merging soil health & education in your country? Become a CoP leader!

17 community of practice leaders sought for across Europe

Connected to soil education or restoration? Having a record of community management? Get involved in Europe’s next sustainability hot topic: education on soil health.

  • 17 community of practice leaders sought for across Europe
  • your task: to organise response in your country to soil education questions and suggestions from experts
  • hours funded; travel costs reimbursed
  • workload of 10 hours per month, approximately 3 years starting from December 2024
  • apply from Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Finland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine
  • pan-European context; ESHA involved; support by Ecolise
  • application deadline 17 Nov 2024
  • for CoP objectives, roles, benefits, application criteria, and registration click here

ESHA participates in the Horizon project CURIOSOIL. This project aims to lay a foundation for soil health curiosity throughout Europe. CURIOSOIL ‘s piloting scope is 17 countries. Last week CURIOSOIL launched the recruitment of 17 Community of Practice leaders. You can become one of them.

Make a difference

Becoming a CoP leader in your country offers a (funded) opportunity to shape soil education at your national level. As a leader, you will guide a national group of stakeholders – including educators, environmental experts, and community leaders – to pilot and implement educational materials that meet your country’s specific needs.

This role empowers you to drive change in your community, forge connections, and spearhead collaborative efforts within your national context. If you are passionate about soil education and want to lead this innovative path, this is your moment to make a difference!

And further:

  • Member of national CoP: Becoming a national CoP-member instead of leading it? Each CoP will have 8–12 members. Cusiosoil welcomes participation from various stakeholders, including science education experts, community educators, members of environmental NGOs or non-profit organizations, technology and innovation experts, agricultural experts, actors from ecovillages or permaculture associations, and others. Check here.
  • Mapping Soil Education Initiatives: Curiosoil invite you to apply for their mapping initiative, focused on soil education outside formal settings. Apply here. Deadline is 28th November 2024.
  • Stay updated by following CURIOSOIL’s LinkedIn page and subscribing to the LinkedIn CURIOSOIL Newsletter.

Contact us

For any inquiries or suggestions regarding the CURIOSOIL project and its contributions to the Soil Mission, feel free to reach out. We are happy to assist.

Myrthe Stienstra,

Harry te Riele,