CREAM: State of the Art analysis on STEAM creative teaching approaches and initiatives

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In the first project result of the CREAM project, partners explored the adoption of innovative approaches to teach STEAM disciplines and initiatives using creative methodologies like creative writing within the school environment. This research activity aimed to produce the report of “State of the Art analysis on STEAM creative teaching approaches and initiatives” in partner countries, in the EU and world-wide.

This resulted in a summary of literature with a reasoned collection of case studies and best practices on STEAM innovative teaching methods and examples of initiatives using creative methodologies within the school environment. The result was reached in two stages:

  1. Parallel field research (collection of stories and inspiring practices) and desk research (scenario analysis and collection of insights on practical experiences and feedback of involved actors) have been conducted through surveys and interviews in order to gather data directly from the relevant stakeholders. This document summarises and analyses the collection of stories that partners have provided. As part of the first stage, a context analysis was also carried out in order to understand who are the different actors that play a role in STEAM teaching and to obtain a full picture of scenarios: personas, users’ journeys, ecosystem maps.
  2. After matching between experimental data from field research and literature data from desk research, the final report was developed and will contribute to the definition of the CWL model of CREAM project (PR2).

PR1 thus consists of a multidisciplinary evidence-based state-of-the-art presented in the form of a report that includes the guidelines for the project’s framework, but also as a transferable product to any learning environment. PR1 leader (Warsaw University of Technology) outlined an appropriate research framework and oversaw the management of required research.

The research is attempting to address the following key areas:

  • The main innovative STEAM teaching methodologies;
  • Existing resources that could be used or re-designed for use within CWLs to avoid duplication;
  • The most appropriate media formats for learning content for target groups (schools’ staff and students);
  • Type of assessment framework that is most appropriate to facilitate the measurement of attainment;
  • Types of pedagogic support needed to facilitate the involvement of participants into the CWLs;
  • The most appropriate teaching and learning methodologies to adopt.

The analysis can be downloaded from the project website.