Policy Recommendations for Inclusive Schools

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The INSCOOL II project has released its Policy Recommendations, which provide guidance for school leaders and teachers on how to develop and implement inclusive education practices and see that in your classroom no one is left behind. The documents cover what can be done at the regional, national, and European levels to integrate an inclusive approach to education.

The Policy Recommendations are based on the results of advocacy groups formed in Poland, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK. These groups aimed to support policy change in schools at all levels, from local to EU-wide.

Recommendations from the advocacy groups

An important point of reflection was how the project results could support them in their own local advocacy for inclusive schools. Participants in the advocacy groups included school leaders, teachers, parents, teacher trainees, and representatives from other stakeholder groups. The groups also included representatives from public bodies and private entities, ensuring a diversity of perspectives and experiences.

Download recommendations advocacy groups

Policy Recommendations

The Policy Recommendations focus on four main areas: professional development, staff shortages and wellbeing, systemic cooperation and whole-school approach, and public funding for education. The recommendations offer guidance for EU institutions to work together with Member States to promote inclusive education practices.

Download Policy Recommendations

An online publication summarizing the project and its methodology is also available. It includes descriptions of the advocacy groups, the final conference in Brussels, and the need assessment report’s conclusions.

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