The RoadSTEAMER has set off

Graphic  person looking through binoculars


ESHA has participated at the kick-off meeting of the RoadSTEAMER – Developing a STE(A)M Roadmap for Science Education in Horizon Europe project on the 13th of September, 2022.

The consortium, led by the Lisbon Council is aiming to develop a STEAM roadmap for science education in Horizon Europe, i.e. a plan of action that will provide guidance to EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation on how to encourage more interest in STEAM through the use of artistic approaches involving creative thinking and applied arts (the “A” in ‘STEAM’).

The consortium aims to provide Europe with this roadmap, through:

  • Collaboration and co-creation with the stakeholder communities of science education, research, innovation and creativity, through intensive exchange, dialogue and mutual learning among them which will produce better knowledge and shared understandings of the relevant opportunities, challenges and needs.
  • A bottom-up approach emphasizing educational practice and practitioners’ agency rather than high-level conceptualizations of STEAM and generic top-down plans (in reality often just vague statements of intention) for its adoption in science education; and
  • A specific focus on ways to leverage the power of STEAM approaches, as manifested through exemplary cases and best practices, so as to enable a bridging of open science and open schooling which can catalyse an increased impact for science education as a crucial tool for addressing Europe’s current scientific and societal challenges.

The project has a strong focus on stakeholder involvement and co-creation, and thus ESHA members will be playing a key role providing their input.

If you are interested do not hesitate to reach out so we can keep it in mind when the opportunity arises to provide your experiences, challenges, feedback and ideas!

Luca Laszlo ( is the main ESHA representative of the project, and she is at your disposal for questions and comments.

The work packages of the project are:

  • WP 1: Coordination and support for dialogue and mutual learning
  • WP2: STEAM context, concepts and conditions
  • WP3: Analysis of STEAM policy gaps and needs
  • WP4: The landscape of STEAM practices
  • WP5: Synthesis of the STEAM roadmap for Science Education in Horizon Europe
  • WP6: Dissemination and Exploitation and Affiliated Entities
  • WP7: Project Management

List of participants

Participant No. Participant organisation name Short name Country
1 The Lisbon Council (Coordinator) LC BE
2 Ellinogermaniki Agogi EA EL
5 University of Malta UM MT
6 Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences PAN EL
7 University of Exeter UoE UK
8 Politecnico di Milano PO IT
9 ScienceView SV EL
10 Centre for Social Innovation ZSI AT
11 Engineering Ingegneria s.p.a. ENG IT
12 European School Heads Association ESHA NL